Personal coaching
and Sound Advice

One-on-One VIP Coaching for Sales Managers,
Salespeople and Entrepreneurs

I’m a targeted coach. Whether you’re a business owner, a salesperson, or a
sales leader, I will maximize your coaching sessions by targeting
your specific areas in need of improvement.

My coaching time is limited – but I have a few spaces available just for you if you’re keen on growing and succeeding. Coaching is my
favorite endeavor because it’s one-on-one,
and we both see instant results.


Everyone needs a coach...ALMOST.

Everyone needs a coach that can help
them improve in their weakest areas and in
their strongest areas.

A 15-minute phone conversation will determine our compatibility.
And, start us on the path to addressing your specific needs.

How a Successful
coaching engagement works

Prior to your first meeting, you will provide me with your goals and current obstacles, plus any pertinent or background information I may need so that your call is 100% focused on achieving your results.
I’ll provide you with customized, personalized strategies and information for your career, success and growth. This is information you can use immediately to make more sales, more profit, and more money.
Here’s What You Get:
Sessions are in 30 minute increments (via Zoom). Number of sessions are determined by how many you purchase.
Zoom recordings are sent after each meeting so you can
re-watch or re-listen to the advice and strategies.
Notes and actions steps are sent after each call.
You will get strategies you can use for a lifetime.

Coaching Praise

  • Placeholder

    Jelly-o carrot cake caramels chupa chups. Cake fruitcake pudding lollipop tootsie roll lemon drops gummies tootsie roll lemon drops. Chupa chups ice cream powder brownie jujubes. Oat cake marzipan macaroon pastry brownie.

    Jeffrey Gitomer, Author of The Little Red Book of Selling
  • Placeholder

    Jelly-o carrot cake caramels chupa chups. Cake fruitcake pudding lollipop tootsie roll lemon drops gummies tootsie roll lemon drops. Chupa chups ice cream powder brownie jujubes. Oat cake marzipan macaroon pastry brownie.

    Jeffrey Gitomer, Author of The Little Red Book of Selling
  • Placeholder

    Jelly-o carrot cake caramels chupa chups. Cake fruitcake pudding lollipop tootsie roll lemon drops gummies tootsie roll lemon drops. Chupa chups ice cream powder brownie jujubes. Oat cake marzipan macaroon pastry brownie.

    Jeffrey Gitomer, Author of The Little Red Book of Selling

Schedule Your discovery call!

Personal Coaching
Eager to get started right away and want to call me now? Sure!
Call me at (212) 951-1153, and if I can’t take
your call, I’ll get back to you in a New York

    What are you hoping to achieve?*